Saturday, December 10, 2016


I consider myself blessed to have the parents that i do. They have made a bigger impact on my life than anyone else that i have encountered. Knowing how much they influenced me makes me realize how important the task of parenthood is. According to The Family: A Proclamation to the World ," Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God, and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live." The duty of a parent is sacred. It is divine, and should be treated as such. Parenthood has been both my greatest fear, and the one thing that i look forward to most in this life. As we discussed in class, there are many resources available to us that can guide parents to raise their children as best as they can. Regardless of ever secular study that has been done regarding the most effective parenting techniques, i know that the best way to raise a child is in a gospel context. Parents should teach and apply correct gospel principles in the home. This, in my opinion, is the recipe for perfect parenting.

Parents should do their best to rear their children in love and righteousness, but regardless of how effective parents are, children still wander astray. This week, we were assigned to read an article regarding wayward children. It specifically addressed the fact that there are angels all around, helping these wayward children return to straight and narrow path. It is inspiring an motivating to know that regardless of where we are, or what situation we are in, there will always be angels surrounding us to aid us when in need. One of my favorite hymns is #117 "Come Unto Jesus," specifically because of one line in the third verse which reads: "oh, know you not that angels are near you from brightest mansions above?". It is even more reassuring to know that such angels are not strangers, but many are our ancestors or close friends who have passed on. Like many of us, i have members in my family that have been, or are currently inactive. It is heartbreaking to see the potential in these family members as they continue to make poor decisions that impede on their salvation. In the article, Larry Barkdull stated "We must not despair. In working with our wayward children, God will assemble all the powers of heaven and earth to achieve His glorious work." I would imagine that as a parent it is especially difficult to watch a child stray. Many parents take complete responsibility for their children's decisions, and they blame themselves for the child's inactivity. It is necessary, and comforting, to know that that we are not alone in our efforts to realign wayward loved ones. Ministering angels are right by our side, doing all that they can to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and what a relief that is.

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