Sunday, November 27, 2016

Communication and Mutual Problem Solving

Communication is extremely effective. It can either make or break any relationship. When we communicate effectively, problem solving is a much simpler process. We were shown a quote in class this week that stated "You can never not communicate.You can only mis-communicate." a first I was skeptical, and did not necessarily agree/understand, but after our class discussion, I realized that this statement is absolutely correct. Although it may not be verbally, we are constantly communicating. Even silence is a means of communication. It is important, especially in a marriage, that effective communication is the formula to happiness. When faced with trials, couples can overcome obstacles through correct encoding and decoding of thoughts, ideas, and feelings.There is as much responsibility on the decoder as there is on the encoder. Many see communication as a one way street, when in fact, decoding what the communicator is trying to relay is even more important. The specific process of encoding and decoding is drawn out as such;


It begins with a thought. The communicator encodes their thought, or in other words, attempts to "communicate" their thought. There are multiple methods of media that can be used to communicate a thought or idea. These forms of media include words, tone, non-verbal etc. After using media to encode an idea, the recipient must decode, or interpret what the encoder is communicating. The decoder then knows, or attempts to know, the encoder's thought

All of this being said, in relation to marriage, I believe that transparency is key to effective communication. As couples communicate, it is important to be open, honest and effective. As communication improves, so os the quality of the relationship.

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