Saturday, November 12, 2016

Sexual Intimacy and Family Life

Contrary to what I anticipated, this week was one of my favorite weeks, and I learned much more than I imagined. I have always thought that sex education was highly under valued, The way that our society views sexual intimacy is contrary to that of God. Sexual intimacy is a way for couples to become one with God, strengthen bonds within marriage, and procreate. It is a divine gift given to us that should only happen between husband and wife. Because sexual intimacy is so sacred, it can be extremely destructive as it occurs outside of the bonds of holy matrimony. It saddens me to know that many view sex as sinful, shameful, casual, or even recreational. Although it should not, sexual intimacy can be a source of negative feelings, or even guilty feelings. As couples experience inevitable hardships, conflict and contention can bleed into the couple's sex life, causing contention and deepened controversy.

Much of our conversation in class this week revolved around the differences regarding sexual response between males and females. While sexual expression is a healthy part of our behavior, men and women experience sexual expression differently. Men are typically quicker to experience orgasm and resolution than women.Women typically take longer to reach orgasm, and they also take more time in the resolution stage. These differences could serve as either a challenge or an opportunity to grow. When experiencing these differences, it is important for each partner to be aware of their partners needs. When one partner is unaware, or simply not concerned with their other partner's situation, it can cause frustration and contention. These differences can also give coupes the opportunity to practice efficient communication, and grow with one another.

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